Comments on: Memorial Service for Jay E. Adams /2020/11/17/memorial-service-for-jay-e-adams/ Welcome to the Institute for Nouthetic Studies, founded by Jay Adams. INS provides training and resources for biblical counseling. Thu, 26 Nov 2020 13:41:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Willuam Viss /2020/11/17/memorial-service-for-jay-e-adams/#comment-7896 Thu, 26 Nov 2020 13:41:44 +0000 /?p=9452#comment-7896 Jay Adams the Author! When living in Willow Grove, Pa. he bought a used table about 3 ft. by 15 plus ft. for his study in his garage; he had to extend his garage to get it in! But his table was then large enough to keep multiple spaces open for his simultaneous writing projects!
Jay Adam’s the Evangelist! In his week of summer preaching at the Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, NJ., a “Q & A” format would be powerful. Jay preached the ‘answers’, heart-felt and Spirit-filled: one thought ofJohn The Baptist! At times such a large crowd stopped to listen in front of the open Chapel doors that it blocked the regular Boardwalk traffic!

By: Danny Levi /2020/11/17/memorial-service-for-jay-e-adams/#comment-7881 Sun, 22 Nov 2020 19:37:03 +0000 /?p=9452#comment-7881 As a student in the D. Min. Program under Dr. Jay Adams, I ask the esteemed professor to autograph one of his books for me. I said, “just write something nice”. So he wrote “something nice” on the inside front page and signed his name. In this incident and many others, Dr. Adams demonstrated the importance of being clear in communication. He taught me to take a “preaching stance” of “God says” when preaching. He taught me that I would not be free in the pulpit until I could make “sounds” in the pulpit. He gave me the gift of getting to preach in chapel to my fellow classmates. He gave me great encouragement in my preaching by simply saying “thank you” to me after that chapel.
Goodbye for now “Master Mentor”.

By: Dr. Mark & Theresa Smith /2020/11/17/memorial-service-for-jay-e-adams/#comment-7857 Thu, 19 Nov 2020 17:34:07 +0000 /?p=9452#comment-7857 God blessed you Brother. We have all been admonished by you and through you. What a lasting ministry you leave behind with thousands and thousands who have been taught, trained and bettered by God working through you. Thanks for all of it. You will be missed, but Heaven is where we are all looking forward to being.
